How Much of Water Should Be Consumed Per Day? - Coldest

How Much of Water Should Be Consumed Per Day?

Drinking more water is certainly helpful to maintain your health. Water needs to be consumed at regular intervals at least, to keep oneself hydrated firstly, to be in better shape, to be able to make the organs function properly and more.
April 19, 2019
Remedies from Grandma against Sleep Insomnia - Coldest

Remedies from Grandma against Sleep Insomnia

How to sleep well and have a good sleep? If you suffer from insomnia to the point of turning over and back in your bed to find yourself dragging your feet around your bed yawning, exhausted, discover 30 tricks of grandmother and natural remedies to fight insomnia to be able to finally sleep well.
April 18, 2019

The Ideal Water Bottle Made of Stainless Steel

A stainless steel design water Bottle is by far the most recommended by health professionals in terms of quality. In fact, this stainless steel product is easy to clean and at the same time supports extreme temperatures.
April 15, 2019
Is Stress Harmful To Health? - Coldest

Is Stress Harmful To Health?

Regulating in a Variety of Ways Keeps You Fit Healthy and stay away from the stress. The benefits of water are well established. Drink water and stay away from stress. Buy a water bottle that never leaks, fits in 99% of cup holders* and was even dubbed best water bottle of 2017 and 2018 by Business Insider.
April 14, 2019
Water Bottle & Heat Related Illness - Coldest

Water Bottle & Heat Related Illness

The best way is to have a stainless steel water bottle. They have built a water bottle that never leaks, fits in 99% of cup holders and was even dubbed best water bottle of 2017 and 2018 by Business Insider.
April 14, 2019

Reasons behind Lightheaded

Reasons behind lightheaded or feeling like faint can include dehydration, any illness, and anxiety. Side effects of any medications, blood pressure quick changes, heart problems, and low blood sugar levels can be the causes of lightheaded.
April 05, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Drinking More Water - Coldest

Tips and Tricks for Drinking More Water

It's no secret, every day it's important to stay hydrated. In coaching when I ask people "why". Many people told ‘don’t like water’ ‘don’t think about it or simply ‘doesn’t have time.’ You can easily manage the need for water if you keep an insulated water bottle with you.
April 04, 2019
11 Things You Should Not Do With Plastic Anymore - Coldest

11 Things You Should Not Do With Plastic Anymore

11 things you should not do with plastic anymore... For example, it is a question of using less plastic water bottles thanks to a stainless steel water bottle.
April 03, 2019
Dehydration - Why It Is Dangerous - Diarrhoea, Diarrhea, Rehydration - Coldest

Dehydration - Why It Is Dangerous - Diarrhoea, Diarrhea, Rehydration

Dehydration indicates a lack of water in the body. In this case, either water loss is abnormally high (fever, heat wave, vomiting, diarrhea, intense activity, an overdose of diuretics, diabetes, etc.)
April 01, 2019
Enormous Advantages of Drinking Plain Water - Coldest

Enormous Advantages of Drinking Plain Water

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics offers a recent study that provides proofs. We must prefer plain water over other beverages to control weight and reduce calories.
April 01, 2019
Improve Water Intake and Avoid Kidney Stones - Coldest

Improve Water Intake and Avoid Kidney Stones

Kidney stones basically develop due to less intake of water or drinking water containing high quantity of salts, and calcium. Carry your own water in water bottle.
March 29, 2019
How Important Is Drinking Water To Health? - Coldest

How Important Is Drinking Water To Health?

Drinking water supply, basic sanitation, and good water resource management are essential for health. Nearly one-tenth of the disease burden could be avoided by providing the following essentials.
March 25, 2019