The following products are protected by patents & trademarks in the U.S. and elsewhere for COLDEST. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act and provide notice under 35 U.S.C. §287(a). The following list of products and patents may not be all inclusive. For example, some products listed here may be covered by patents in the United States and elsewhere that are not listed, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents in the United States and elsewhere. The following list of products may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patents and may also be covered by Pending Patent Applications:
Product | Patent |
COLDEST Limitless Lid & Bunker | Multiple Patents Pending |
COLDEST Limitless Bottle | 29892994, Patents Pending |
COLDEST Universal Bottle | 29893433, Patents Pending |
COLDEST Dog Bowl | 29894129, Patents Pending |
COLDEST Sports Bottle | No. 29/877,937., Patents Pending |
COLDEST Pillow | No. 29/909,222, Patents Pending |
COLDEST Gallon | No. 29/909,225, Patents Pending |
COLDEST Half-Gallon | Patents Pending |
COLDEST Limitless Bunker | Multiple Patents Pending |
Trademark | Application Number 98071554 |
COLDEST | 6430352, 1684435, 90392273, 410001, 98118795, 97504074, 6430362, 98118803 Trademark Pending CN53049063 Domestic and International Trademarks Pending (Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom) |
YOUR LAST BOTTLE | 98010146, Trademark Pending |
YOUR LAST PILLOW | 98038343, Trademark Pending |
YOUR LAST DOG BOWL | 98010146, Trademark Pending |
YOUR LAST DOG BED | 98038437, Trademark Pending |
LIMITLESS | 98006232, Trademark Pending |
THE COLDEST WATER | Reg. No. 4945408 |
STAY COLDER, LONGER | 98010225, Trademark Pending |
STAY HYDRATED, LONGER | 98042368, Trademark Pending |
COLDEST HYDRATION | 98026778, Trademark Pending |
COLDEST BUNKER | 98071554, Trademark Pending |
COLDEST WORLD | 98042243, Trademark Pending |
THE COLDEST PILLOW | Reg. 5747860 |
COLDIE | 98131662, Trademark Pending |