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Q: How important is drinking water to health?

A: Drinking water supply, basic sanitation, and good water resource management are essential for health. Nearly one-tenth of the disease burden could be avoided by providing the following essentials.

  • Improving access to drinking water.

  • Improving hygiene and sanitation.

Improved water management to reduce the risk of water-borne infectious diseases and the risk of drowning during recreational activities.

Every Year, Good Water Management Would Prevent:

1.4 million Child dies from diarrhea;

500,000 dies from malaria;

860,000 child dies from malnutrition; and

280,000 drowning deaths.

In addition, 5 million people could be protected from severe disability due to lymphatic filariasis and another 5 million from trachoma.

Read More: The importance of water and Stainless steel 1 Gallon Water Bottle

Recommended Actions:

Efforts to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene improve overall health. Access to sanitation – for example, simple latrines in communities – helps prevent ordure contamination of the water and reduce the number of infections. The most technologically advanced solutions are not necessarily the best. The simple facts of washing your hands often with soap and the proper storage of drinking water have considerable effects. The coldest water bottles are one of the best options to carry water and keep with you.

Environmental management can reduce the number of cases of malaria and other diseases spread by insects and prevent deaths. These include eliminating breeding sites – for example, stagnant water – and protecting against mosquitoes by providing windows and doors with mosquito nets.


Economic Benefits:

From an economic point of view, investments in drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and water resources management and buying the coldest water bottle are perfectly cost-effective, with the benefits of up to 8 times the amount of the financial effort. For example, the $ 11.3 billion annual investment needed to meet the Millennium Development Goals targets for water and sanitation could yield $ 84 billion in benefits annually.

In addition to saving lives, other benefits would include improved productivity, educational progress, and savings in health care. The Coldest Water Company is helping human by producing quality stainless steel water bottle to keep and carry healthy water along with.

Read More: Importance of Water to Keep Skin Younger

How Much Water Should We Drink in the Summer?

The amount you need may surprise you. The summer season is the best time to enjoy the pool, go to the beach and do some outdoor sports. But you still have to hydrate in order to take full advantage of these activities.

How much water should we drink? Are there many ways to stay hydrated? We consulted experts to find out how to stay hydrated on hot days.


How Much To Drink?

Your water needs will vary depending on your weight and body type according to nutritionist and dietician

“The exact requirement of water will vary among the persons, but it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters for an active adult to stay hydrated all day.”

However, your water requirement will probably be higher during exercise as your muscles need more water to function properly, she adds.

Read More: Importance of Water in Sex Life

How Much Water Should We Drink?

“It’s important to replace the water we lose when we sweat to avoid dehydration,” says Real Nutrition NYC founder Amy Shapiro. “One of the best ways to do that is to drink water all day before you feel thirsty.” Keep the best reusable water along with you.

Amy Shapiro recommends drinking the equivalent of half your body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 80 kg, you should drink 90 ounces of water or about 3 liters of water a day from your stainless steel water bottle.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is recommended to drink 2.7 liters of water a day for women and 3.7 liters for men.

Beat the heat with coldest bottle


The Warning Signs of Dehydration:

The color of your urine may be a sign that you should drink more water. The color of your urine should look like that of lemonade, explain the two experts.

Fatigue, dry skin, muscle cramps, constipation, and dizziness are also signs of dehydration.

Read More: The Importance to Carry a Water Bottle

Different Ways to Drink Water:

Drink the water, but also eat it.

Eating foods that have high water content can also help stay hydrated.

“Eating fruits and vegetables can make a great contribution to good hydration,” says Amy Shapiro. “In summer, watermelon is an excellent source of hydration because it contains a lot of water.”

Eating cucumbers, celery, broccoli, and spinach is also a great idea. Overall, it is important to carry the Coldest Water Bottle while you are on move or work for regular drinking and keep hydration level.