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Why Workout Bottles are Important to Hydration in The Gym

Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym as they play an important role in helping in the process of maintaining your body temperature within the range that is conducive for proper functioning of the organs. Whatever the temperature may be in the external environment, your body needs to be maintained within this temperature range. When the external temperature rises above 131 degrees Fahrenheit, the body finds it difficult to keep pace. It cannot withstand more than a few hours of this kind of external temperature.

Sweat is one of the primary ways that this mechanism of maintaining body temperature is carried out. Your body emits between two and four liters of sweat each hour. When this sweat is transferred to the air, you experience a cool sensation. This cooling is essential in maintaining your body temperature. When you work out, your muscles heat up, leading to more sweat in order to balance the heat that has been created. This is also why we sweat more when the temperature is hot. Other reasons that cause heat in the body and the resultant sweat are when you have fever or when you eat spicy food. If the body has a problem with the regulation of the quantity of sweat, it might engage in releasing too much of sweat. This is a condition called hyperhidrosis. The opposite condition is called hypohidrosis.

Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym

How does sweat work

As the skin is cooled by the evaporating water component, the blood in these regions acquires this cooling and then returns to the central areas of the body to provide the cooling effect. Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym as they replace this water that is being emitted by the body as you work out. Would it not be ideal if you have the coldest water in your workout bottle? This is just another of the innumerable benefits of cold water. Do you know that cold water can actually help you to burn calories, thereby even helping you to keep trim. Now that you know what the normal amount of sweat is each hour, of between two and four liters which varies from person to person, the excess amount of sweat during an hour of workout is what you need to calculate and replace. Now, you begin to understand even more clearly why workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym as there is no other resource that is as essential as water and it is being removed from the body through your workout.

The problem could be exacerbated if you have not had the right amount of water prior to your workout. This makes it essential that you build up to your workout by drinking a good amount of water. While a one-hour workout might not lead to too much of sweat, it could if you are working out in very humid conditions or if you are doing extreme exercises.

Sweat makes its way out of the body after being created by sweat glands which are a type of gland that does not make secretions into the blood but does so onto the epithelial tissues, which are one of the types of tissue in the body. The other types of tissue are

  • Connective tissue
  • Muscle tissue
  • Nervous tissue

Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym

Connective tissue

This type of tissue is placed between the three other types of tissue in the body. Your brain and spinal cord are sheathed by membranes made of connective tissue. These tissues are made of fiber, ground substance and cells. There are two types of fiber. One is elastic fiber and the other is collagenous fber. The former is made of proteins that are known as elastin. The latter makes up most of the fiber found in connective tissue. Collagen makes up between 25 and 35 percent of our bodies, as of all mammals. One variety of collagen is the fibril which is a fine fiber, being a few nanometers in diameter. These fibrils in an elongated form are found in your tendons, ligaments and skin.

What is a tendon? It is connective tissue that is found between muscles and bones. They have the ability to resist a pulling force. What is a ligament? It is the connective tissue that is found between bone and bone. Skin as we all know protects the body from disease-causing viruses, bacteria, fungus etc. The skin also ensures that your body does not lose more water than it needs for essential functionality. When looking at this engineering marvel of the skin and the way it functions to regulate our bodies, we get even more understanding as to why workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym. When we do not have replenishment in hand, we tend to burden the body in its endeavor to keep us fit and healthy.

Returning to the subject of collagen, it is also found in muscle tissue, the bones and the blood vessels too. Collagen comprises between one and two percent of muscle tissue. We have now seen the two types of fibers that make up connective tissue, one being elastic fibers and the other being collagenous fibers. Now, we take a look at what ‘ground substance’ is in a connective tissue. It resembles a gel and it surrounds the cells. The last component of connective tissue is the cells which are the smallest unit of life.

Get The Water Bottle!

Getting familiar with cells

There are two types of cells. One is called prokaryotic and the other is Eukaryotic. Bacteria is prokaryotic with prokaryotes measuring between 0.5 and 2.0 micrometers in diameter. A micrometer is one millionth of a meter. Plants, animals, fungi and algae are made of eukaryotes which are 15 times wider than a prokaryote.

Now, we have obtained a thorough picture of what connective tissue is made of. Let us now move to the next type of tissue which is muscle tissue.

Muscle tissue

This is the tissue that contracts when we flex our muscles. It is made up of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle. The last of these two undergo their contractions without us needing to command the movement. These are involuntary. The central nervous system controls smooth and cardiac muscle tissue while there are other activating areas as well. Skeletal muscle tissue on the hand needs our command to contract. The command is also routed through the central nervous system as in the action of our reflexes.

Nervous tissue

Our brain and spinal cord is mainly made of nervous tissue. While the brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system which sends signals to the peripheral areas of the body is also made up of nervous tissue. Nervous tissue is made of nerve cells and gilial cells. The gilial cells provide protection to the nerve cells as well as supplying nutrients and oxygen to them.

Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym

Types of sweat glands

One type is the ones that are found on your palms and soles. These are known as the Eccrine sweat gland and are the main sweat glands. They are also situated on your head. On each square centimeter of your skin surface, there are between 200 and 400 of these eccrine sweat glands. The output of these glands is water and salt. The salt is taken back by the body as it is essential. But, if this functionality is affected, your sweat will be salty. This occurs in the condition called cystic fibrosis. The salt is responsible for cooling the skin as it gets heated when the water from sweat evaporates.

The other type of sweat gland is the apocrine sweat gland. These are the ones found on your armpits, ears, eyes and in some parts of your genitalia. These glands have a duct that is connected to the hair follicle. The structure of the apocrine sweat gland is bigger than the eccrine sweat gland. The output of these glands is a fluid that is oily. This fluid is made of proteins and other substances. This fluid comes out mixed with sebum. The role of the sebum is to deliver antimicrobial activity among a host of other activities. The output of the apocrine sweat glands does not have any odor. But, it is created when microbes come over to the scene.

How much sweat can you lose before you need to drink water

Now, we get back from the makeup of our body to the need to keep it within a healthy functionality. The more that we lose water from our bodies during a workout, the more essential water intake becomes. Workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym as they ensure that you are having the best quality of water and at the right temperature, without the need to make even the slightest compromise. When it comes to fresh and clean water, it always is imperative that you have it in hand. Cold water is even better. The paramount need with this requirement is to identify and procure the coldest water bottle.

You can lose up to nearly 2 percent of your body weight in sweat. When this limit is crossed, your functionality tends to be impacted. This is crucial if you are engaged in sporting activity. During a workout, this loss of water through sweat will lead to immediate impact on the movement of your muscles which will be counterproductive to the workout itself. This is because water is necessary to keep the muscles lubricated. As water reduces in your body, every internal activity is impacted, gradually causing the entire system to reduce in the degree of functionality. An important functionality of water is that it carries nutrients to all parts of your body. This includes oxygen and glucose. This is a very essential activity when you are engaged in exercise as you need those nutrients which have what it takes to maintain your energy level.

As a result, drinking a few ounces of water every 30 minutes can be a great way to help your body carry out its functionality without bearing any strain due to sweat. If you lose about 30 ounces of water in an hour of workout, having about ten ounces of water every half hour can help you keep the balance. Having about 10 ounces of water a half hour after the workout will complete the balance. Remember the 2 percent of body weight condition. If you weigh 170 pounds, that works out to about 3.4 pounds of a reduction in your body weight due to workout-induced sweat. For each pound of weight lost, you would need to take the equivalent of 16 ounces or higher than that.

The cells of the body, which we encountered a little earlier, need water. When you workout, the resultant shortage of water can lead to an impact at the level of the cells. This is why workout bottles are important to hydration in the gym. With a bottle that retains its temperature perfectly, you are able to raise the quality of your workout to the highest level possible. The coldest water has a whole lot of benefits including serving as the best wake up drink. Get a bottle that is made of stainless steel and with a double layer to get the highest insulation possible. As you work up the heat during your workout, you would find that the coldest water is a real pleasure to have and it is the best way to derive the best effects of a workout. Right from the moment you wake up to every minute of the day through the workout, the coldest water is what keeps you entirely refreshed and healthy. A bottle that is designed to be carried easy and with about 16 ounces or more can serve as the most perfect accessory for your workout. With handling components like a rubber grip, you can carry it around without any effort. The best engineered bottles have 24 hours of cold retention which makes it possible to fill your bottle early in the day in anticipation of a workout in the late evening too.