Do You Drink Enough Water to Keep You Hydrated? - Coldest

Do You Drink Enough Water to Keep You Hydrated?

"I'm dying of the thirst", it is never said this until you have a dry throat, whitish mouth and there is an urgent wish to drink a large glass of water. Unfortunately, if you believe nutrition experts when your body sends you this signal, it's already too late.
May 26, 2019
Raise Your Water Bottle to Stay Hydrated - Coldest

Raise Your Water Bottle to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated will improve your running performance. Did you know that around 82% of your blood volume is water? In other words, the less hydrated you are, the less good your race performance will be.
May 25, 2019
Do Not Drink Water On Top 8 Times - Coldest

Do Not Drink Water On Top 8 Times

The water is very important for life on earth. The proof, if we do not drink water we die dehydrated. But be careful though because the water can still be dangerous.
May 21, 2019
16 Ways to Lose Weight without Any Exercise or Diet - Coldest

16 Ways to Lose Weight without Any Exercise or Diet

If you want to lose weight and not worry about bloating, eat real and nutritious foods and be energetic and active. Here are some scientific tips to opt for a flatter belly.
May 10, 2019
Water Facts And Hydration For Kids - Coldest

Water Facts And Hydration For Kids

For kids aged 4 to 13, in addition to the water in the food they consume daily, they should also drink about 6 to 8 glasses of liquids spread over the day. Mostly, younger kids need about 150 ml. serving at a time.
April 23, 2019
Good and Bad Ways to Hydrate - Coldest

Good and Bad Ways to Hydrate

Are you are thirsty? You have to absorb a lot of fluid including water to avoid dehydration. We explain the best ways to hydrate, in addition to the worst ways.
April 15, 2019
Is Stress Harmful To Health? - Coldest

Is Stress Harmful To Health?

Regulating in a Variety of Ways Keeps You Fit Healthy and stay away from the stress. The benefits of water are well established. Drink water and stay away from stress. Buy a water bottle that never leaks, fits in 99% of cup holders* and was even dubbed best water bottle of 2017 and 2018 by Business Insider.
April 14, 2019
Drink Enough Water to Remain Hydrated - Coldest

Drink Enough Water to Remain Hydrated

Water keeps all your body parts working efficiently. It enables your body to flush toxins and remain at the correct temperature. It can help avert kidney stones and blockage.
April 09, 2019
Tips and Tricks for Drinking More Water - Coldest

Tips and Tricks for Drinking More Water

It's no secret, every day it's important to stay hydrated. In coaching when I ask people "why". Many people told ‘don’t like water’ ‘don’t think about it or simply ‘doesn’t have time.’ You can easily manage the need for water if you keep an insulated water bottle with you.
April 04, 2019
Why Drinking Pure Water Is Essential to Being Healthy - Coldest

Why Drinking Pure Water Is Essential to Being Healthy

Stop drinking soda and sports drinks and replace them with clean water. Filtered tap water can be a great alternative, inexpensive and easy to replace. To drink almost toxin-free water, the best choice is to buy an insulated water bottle.
April 04, 2019
How Much Water A Person Should Drink? - Coldest

How Much Water A Person Should Drink?

We recommend that everyone should have an insulated water bottle to drink water regularly. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink sufficient water on the whole day.
April 03, 2019
Enormous Advantages of Drinking Plain Water - Coldest

Enormous Advantages of Drinking Plain Water

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics offers a recent study that provides proofs. We must prefer plain water over other beverages to control weight and reduce calories.
April 01, 2019