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What Are the Hamstring Injuries and How Can You Prevent Them?

  • Introduction

  • Degree and Stages of Hamstring:

  • Feelings in Hamstring Strain:

  • Notable Causes of Hamstring Strain

  • Symptoms of Hamstring Strain:

  • How to Diagnose Hamstring Strain?

  • Hamstring Strain Treatments:

  • Time Required for Hamstring Strain Recovery:

  • Hamstring Strain Prevention:


The hamstring injury is the sum of different strains occurs at the back of thigh. Athletes and other sportsmen often come across this strain that is much painful and common. Usually, hamstring injury strikes athletes from different sections like running, hockey, cycling, cricket, basketball, baseball, and soccer. It is confirmed that hamstring strain is the sum of several injuries that become grave over time if not treated fast. These injuries will suffer patients from critical situations and unable to move. These injuries will occur in a junction of three main muscles at the back of the thigh. Hamstring strain happens in all these three muscles and patients will experience sudden as well as huge pull at the backside of the thigh. This injury will never let a person continue his/her working.

Common people may also experience this injury due to the hardness and nature of their jobs. Hamstring muscles support a person to bend, rotate and run fast. Hamstring strain will increase the load on any of these three muscles or on all. If one muscle gets overloaded, it will start getting torn that may or may not be fast. Physical fitness may play a key part to overcome and reduce the pain of hamstring strain. Anyhow, if you experience quick muscle tears, it will develop and optimize hamstring injuries. These strains will be more critical and greatly painful over time. If you are an athlete and come across this injury, then you will be unable to continue your practices.

Hamstring Strain

Soccer Players can Avoid Hamstring Injuries

Degree and Stages of Hamstring:

This injury may also have three degrees or stages. Early two stages are normal, but they will deliver pain to patients. However, the third and final level of injury is more painful and critical due to chronic pain in hamstring muscles. If you experience any of first two degrees of hamstring pain, then you may recover fast. Your stamina, physical fitness, and muscle health will affect your recovery period. Further, if someone experiences a final degree of injury, then it may take more time. Actually, torn muscles and rapid inflammation both require a great course of time to be recovered completely. However, the muscle strength and fitness will support the third level of injury to get recovered quickly.

Critical Conditions:

Patients will have some specific types of strains from early to the final stage. Usually, basic two levels of hamstring injuries are not much critical, but they are painful due to intensive pull. The third level of injury can cause severe and chronic pain until it is treated properly and completely. Usually, three different stages of hamstring injuries are;

First Stage:

In this grade, a mild strain or muscle pull occurs that delivers pain to patients. Usually, this level of injury is not enough critical or dangerous. However, if a patient consults a doctor promptly in an early stage, then it is easy to overcome strain and get recovered fast. Patients will be able to walk and do game practices in the early stage of the hamstring injury.

Second Stage:

This is the second degree of the hamstring injury that will result in inflammation and partial tears of thigh muscles. This level of strain will cause severe pain. You may experience itching and sudden pain during your physical moves and routine practices. It is the best thing for you to have some effect and the best treatments to get recovered quickly. In fact, the second degree of the hamstring injury is an alarming situation for athletes. They need to take this level seriously and go for proper treatments.

Third Stage:

It is the final grade of the hamstring strain in which all three major muscles at the back side of thigh get torn. Inflammation happens a bit quickly and patients become unable to continue their routine working and games. Hamstring injuries affect health, working, and fitness of three connected muscles at the back of the thigh directly. These effects are grave and fully painful that will require proper diagnoses and best treatment. It may take a few weeks to get recovered from the third grade of hamstring injuries.

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Feelings in Hamstring Strain:

Early and mild hamstring injuries don’t hurt a person much. However, you can’t ignore these early degrees of this injury. You will also experience pain and muscle tears in both of basic stages. You need to keep observing the situations and consult a doctor once you feel something intensive in your fitness and physical movement. Usually, the third degree of this injury is greatly painful because of quick inflammation and tears of three connected muscles that connect with the back of your thigh.

Further, you will experience severe pain with multiple jerks during your regular movements and physical practices. The pain may be greater if you keep doing hard exercises and some game practices. Athletes always have chronic pain due to hamstring damages and strains. Pain during these injuries keeps moving from upper to the lower back or buttocks and then towards your thigh. It will become intensive and intolerable during the walk. Patients will also experience bruising and tenderness until complete recovery. That is why; the third degree of this injury is believed as very complicated for patients.

Notable Causes of Hamstring Strain:

This is more compulsory for every human to be familiar with what causes hamstring strains. Usually, there are dozens of factors and elements that result in this critical injury. Usually, this injury develops some other fitness issues over time. You need to understand major reasons and causes standing behind occurring hamstring injuries in human beings. First of all, these injuries happen faster if you don’t take proper exercises to warm up your body prior to start some games. Athletes have a good habit to warm up their bodies and then start their play. Further, if you jump and run over the imbalanced surface with a sudden change in your directions, then hamstring muscles may get overloaded. This situation will result in muscle overlapped and hamstring strain.

If all three major muscles get overlapped and strain happens, then hamstring injuries will occur quickly. If you pull your pelvic area and groin muscles suddenly and with extra force, then this will affect your hamstrings. So, muscles will get torn due to extra pressure. Hamstrings and glutes in human beings work together and they will have some problems if glutes get weakened over time. Actually, hamstrings will have to work more due to weak glutes and this can increase pressure to hamstrings gradually or suddenly. Further, hamstrings will be unable to bear such huge load. Finally, the people will encounter with hamstring strains. These injuries need prompt diagnoses and effective treatments to overcome crucial fitness issues.

Read More: How to recover from a hamstring strain injury

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Symptoms of Hamstring Strain:

Hamstring strains deliver either mild or severe pain depending on the degree of these injuries. Usually, the patients will experience mild and casual pain in early stages. It is also possible that muscle tears will happen in second degree due to poor fitness and stamina of a patient. However, the patients will experience some critical factors if they get caught into hamstring injuries. First, they will feel a sudden pain starting from the back of the thigh and moving towards lower of buttocks and then the legs. This pain may be normal or intensive due to some factors. Further, you will also experience pain in your hamstring muscles and glutes that will never let you continue your exercises. In addition, a quick tenderness may happen after the first level of injury. It is greatly possible that muscle tears will occur quickly, while inflammation keeps on developing. These all conditions will cause a quick and huge increase in total pain having a patient due to hamstring strains. In final degree, patients often complain about bruising that can irritate them and keep them completely disturbed. Patients will be unable to stretch legs and walk normally.

How to Diagnose Hamstring Strain?

There are a number of techniques and right methods to diagnose such critical injuries. You must keep this in mind that you may have critical fitness issues if you don’t pay attention to proper treatment. That is why; the patients must make a knock to doctors as early as possible. The athletes and professional players always have the quickest knock to their doctors for medical assistance. Usually, doctors try some casual and few latest techniques to diagnose as well as confirm these injuries in patients. First, therapists and doctors have a formal exam of the affected area to confirm the hamstring strain. Secondly, they use observations and feelings of a patent to declare the injury type. In addition, X-Rays and MRI are also wonderful options for doctors to diagnose hamstring strains.

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Hamstring Strain Treatments:

Hamstring strains become bit critical and challenging to be treated fast in the final stage. This is very easy for doctors and therapists to treat these injuries in early two stages. However, the third level of injury is critical and painful. The doctors and physicians mostly depend on the following treatment options to cure hamstring injuries.

Keep Hamstrings on Rest:

Rest is believed as the best remedy against hamstring strains. However, it is effective and more productive along with best treatments. If you go on rest in an early degree of hamstring injuries, this will recover you quickly without using any medicine. You should follow instructions of therapists and doctors while having complete rest.

Cold Therapy:

Ice is the best thing to control inflammation and torn muscles. Today, most doctors and therapists highly recommend “The Coldest Ice Packs” that can heal your hamstrings faster than medicines. Apply the the ice packs to an affected area for twenty to thirty minutes for a few days. You need to do this cold therapy three to four times a day. Sure, patients will observe quick recovery and pain relief.

Anti-Inflammatory Remedies:

These are best and more popular remedies that help to control and reduce inflammation. Usually, such painkillers can help your healing process fast and you can recover from these injuries as quickly as you want. However, you should take these pills according to the instructions of your doctors. Motrin and Avil are very famous and extremely recommended anti-inflammatory painkillers.

Compress Affected Muscles:

Compression techniques are very best to relieve hamstring strains. This idea works well in early two stages. However, if you are following your doctors with some treatments, then compression techniques will give you impressive outcomes in a short course of time. You need to keep compressing hamstrings and connected muscles thrice to four times a day. This method will also prevent swelling and reduce inflammation with a high speed.

Leg Stretching Workouts:

Leg stretching workouts are best to support medication or ice therapy to overcome inflammation. In fact, stretching practices will discourage inflammation anymore and recover torn muscles fast. These exercises will work better and faster if you follow the instructions of physicians and therapists.

Elevate the Leg:

Consistent elevation of your affected leg on a pillow will help you in complete recovery. You need to do these exercises continuously and observe the intensity of pain. All these treatment options work better and quicker if patients do them exactly. Further, they need to stay connected with doctors, therapists, and physicians until they get rid of hamstring injuries completely.

Time Required for Hamstring Strain Recovery:

Most patients ask same questions form therapists and doctors about recovery time in hamstring strains. They are willing to ask whether they can feel better in a week or not. Of course, recovery tenure depends on nature of hamstring injuries and intensity of pain. If you haven’t applied any treatment; even you are suffering from a final degree of injury, then it will take more time to recover completely. However, you need to keeping therapies, taking medicines and following your health experts to see quick improvement. In general, athletes and sportsmen mostly need two to three weeks for complete recovery.

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Hamstring Strain Prevention:

Athletes mostly experience hamstring injuries due to weak glutes and some sudden moves in physical exercises. They can prevent these injuries successfully by adopting good precautionary habits. Basically, they should keep warming them up before to start any game or practice session. This will minimize the chances of hamstring strains. Secondly, they need to keep increasing workout intensity gradually and at a small rate. This will never cause hamstring injuries in athletes. They should give up further workouts if they experience any muscle issue or pain in hamstrings. They can stretch their legs and do some buttock exercises for quick pain relief.

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