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A Short Practical Guide for Better Hydration

Water is Essential for Life:

Water is a natural resource essential for the proper functioning of our body. It is available in our body, it is it that makes possible our body’s capacities as varied as concentration, sleep or healing. It is vital for our survival. The human brain is composed of 76% water, 78% lungs, 79% blood, 75% muscles and 22% bones. These percentages are irrefutable proof of the importance of water to stay healthy. Yet most people drink less than the recommended amounts. Although they are aware of the benefits of hydration for their health, many are far from consuming the eight glasses of water recommended daily. There is even a worrying increase in the number of cases of dehydration.

In this article, we will deepen our knowledge of this essential nutrient to understand the importance of water for our body.

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When Science is at the Service of Hydration…

If you drink as much water as you lose, a balance is created between the water reserves of the body. The body is very sensitive to this balance in our blood system. Also, it is organized permanently to replace all the fluids that we lose. There are several ways to dehydrate:

Excretion: A person can lose between half a liter and several liters of water a day through urine.

Breathing: When we breathe in, the air becomes moist as it passes through our lungs. By exhaling, this air is rejected as well as the water it contains. The amount of water lost depends on the level of humidity in the air.

Sweating: We lose almost a liter of water every day, evacuated by our skin. The amount varies greatly depending on the level of physical exercise or body temperature.

Digestion: In general, the body loses little through our digestive system. On the other hand, in case of severe diarrhea or vomiting, one can lose several liters very quickly.

Water consumption balances this natural loss. If the body lacks water, the lymphatic system, which helps maintain the balance of our fluids, will ensure that the essential cells remain hydrated at all costs, disadvantaging the less important.

Consequence: The body works less efficiently. Dehydration causes various symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and lack of concentration, dizziness and, in severe cases, fainting.

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Hydration Benefits:

Getting hydrated is not just quenching your thirst. The benefits are many for health.

  • Water is the main component of blood. It is the engine of our body that provides oxygen and nutrients to our cells while eliminating waste.

  • Water regulates the internal temperature of our body. Thanks to the sweat we produce and we eliminate, the body can avoid overheating. The blood on the surface of the skin cools and can, therefore, cool the temperature inside the body.

  • Water lubricates the joints.

  • Water protects vital organs.

Good hydration of the body positively influences productivity. According to several studies, hydration promotes good mental health, which improves cognitive functions more generally.

How to Stay Hydrated?

Today, there are many of us who pay more attention to their health. The obsession of our society for good eating habits and physical exercise shows this growing interest. Despite this, we are often negligent in relation to our water needs. Here are some tips and tricks for drinking more often.

Be creative! To make your daily beverage more appealing for good hydration, combine the flavors in your drink or reusable water bottle. Feel free to add natural flavors such as herbs or fresh fruits.

Eat your water. Eating foods rich in water is an effective way to increase daily water intake. Make sure your shopping list includes fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. These include watermelon, zucchini, cucumber, grapefruit, strawberries or salad.

Install an app on your smartphone to monitor your water usage. There are many control apps like Waterlogged or HydroCoach that you can download on your Android or iOS. This helps keep track of your daily water use and good hydration.

Drink water before you are thirsty. Thirst is a sign that you are already dehydrated. That’s why, before you get there, remember to hydrate yourself regularly throughout the day.

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How Much Water for hydration do I Need To Drink Each Day?

There are many different opinions on how much water to drink daily. The most common opinion is two liters of water a day. Nevertheless, many internal and external factors directly affect our daily water needs.

Children Aged 4 to 13 Years: For good hydration, drink between 1 and 1.7 liters of water a day, depending on age and sex. This is the equivalent of 4 to 6 cups in the US metric system. The difference between the water needs of each depends on the percentage of fat in our body.

Adults: Men need about 4 liters of water while women must drink 2.2 liters each day.

Pregnant Women: It is advisable to drink 2.3 liters of fluid a day, including three glasses of cow’s milk or calcium-enriched soy milk.

Athletes: Drink at least 2.7 liters of water for a good hydration level. Strenuous physical activities (going to the gym for example) lead to rapid losses.

Read More: Is Stress Harmful To Health?

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What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Hydrate?

To hydrate yourself and take full advantage of the benefits of water on your body, there are optimal periods during which you should not forget to drink water:

Wake up to stimulate the body.

Just before showering to lower blood pressure.

Thirty minutes before eating to facilitate digestion and an hour later to give the body time to digest nutrients.

Before going to bed to make up for hydration during the night

By following all these good habits to keep good hydration level, the body is strengthened; the body is more energetic, digestion easier and our skin radiant.