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The Keys to Hydrate during Sports

Drinking water too much or too little will affect your performance: here’s how to determine the optimal amount of fluids.

The rate of hydration can have a considerable impact on your feelings during a race. When you run, your heart needs fluids to pump blood, which muscles need to contract and the skin to sweat and regulate body temperature. “If you’re dehydrated, there will be a lot less fluid in your body and the blood flow of your muscles will be lower than normal. You will have more difficulties to run. Proper hydration will benefit the muscles and improve performance, “says Douglas Casa, a scientist who researches sunstroke and other types of causes of death in athletes. Each athlete has different needs depending on their weight, sweat rate and intensity of effort. Here’s what you need to know to stay hydrated.


Drink Water:

Water is the best option. Douglas Casa states that “an energy drink is useless for a 30-minute to 1-hour exercise”. That said, if you prefer a flavored drink, opt for one of the many sports drinks and low-calorie flavored waters available. Check the composition to avoid unnecessary calories and sugars. If you are looking for a natural option with a little more taste, add a slice of orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, cucumber or a few mints leaves to your water.

Maintain the Habit of Drinking:

This is the best way to avoid getting wet before running, feeling bloated and nauseated, or being forced to stop on the course. Drink water or other low-calorie drinks in small amounts during and between meals. Douglas Casa advises to “get into the habit of drinking throughout the day”. He also recommends carrying a bottle of water with you so you can drink between meals (keep one at work) and make sure you are well hydrated before starting a session.

Take Your Precautions:

If you are hydrated properly, your urine will have a light lemonade or straw color. If it is transparent, it is that you drink too much, but if it is color apple juice you have to drink more.

As Douglas Casa says, “It is one of the easiest ways to evaluate the hydration rate.

It’s really effective. ”

Read More: Proper Hydration for Athletes and Sportsmen


Drink More during Heat and Humid:

Hydration is essential in case of intense exercise under heat. When it’s hot and you sweat, you can easily be dehydrated. Even slight dehydration can make the effort more stressful. Drink more water and electrolytes when it is hot and humid. The best way for you to rehydrate is to consume a low-calorie drink that contains electrolytes such as sodium or potassium. Sports drinks with low calories, coconut water or water with a slice of fruit are a good choice. Their refreshing side can even make you want to drink more. How much? Just try to quench your thirst. If you want to be really precise, you can perform the sweat test. You will know that you have drunk enough when your urine is pale yellow.

Check the Composition before Drinking:

If you want to replenish electrolytes, opt for a sports drink that has no calories or coconut water. Remember, if your goal is to stay hydrated while losing weight; choose a drink less than 50 kcal for 50 cl.

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Boost before Departure for a Session:

You can drink coffee or caffeine-rich tea before a session. Indeed, studies have shown that caffeine stimulates energy and responsiveness. Make sure you keep enough time between coffee and departure to go to the bathroom. The heat of the liquid stimulates the intestines and you would not want to be forced to stop along the way.

Take the Testing Test:

If you want to know the exact amount of fluids removed during a session, take the sweat test. Weigh yourself naked before the session, then after. Did you lose 500 g? This is the amount of sweat (50 cl) you have eliminated. At the next session under similar conditions, consume 50 cl of liquid to compensate for fluids lost through perspiration.

Rehydrate Yourself after the Effort:

If you see white lines on your skin or clothing after a run, it means your sweat is salty and you have eliminated a lot of salt. Drink an energy drink or swallow an electrolyte tablet with water. There are different kinds of sugar-free and low-calorie tablets that dissolve quickly and help fill your electrolyte supply. Also try vegetable juices, which are a good source of sodium.

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Keep Aware of Bad Substances:

For Douglas Casa, the day before an intense effort, it is probably wise to avoid alcohol. A small amount is not harmful but it can have diuretic effects and it will not help your hydration or your state of mind. In addition, it could disrupt your ability to prepare properly for the race. He also suggests avoiding soft drinks such as sodas. Carbonation disrupts gastric comfort, which will affect the amount of water you will need. If the amount of soda consumed makes you feel full and bloated, it is likely that you will drink less water needed to keep you hydrated during the session. The best is to keep the coldest bottle and keep drinking the plain water regularly.