Common Running Injuries: Prevention and Treatment
- Common Running Injuries
- Suggestions to Avoid Running Injuries:
Running Injuries are usually a result of pushing hard against any object. Moving style of your body is also an important reason for Running Injuries. Preventing the running Injuries is easy. Following are common injuries people face in life.
Runner’s Knee:
It is an injury frequently happening worldwide. It has several causes. Experts believe that several factors are behind this running injury. Kneecap has the potential role in this matter. You will face the runner’s knee whenever the kneecap of your knee is out of alignment. On the other hand, general wear and tear of the kneecap or its cartilage also result in runner’s knee. The patients feel severe pain and swelling especially in the area around kneecap when they:
- Go up or down (using stairs).
- Squatting
- Bent the knees or sit down.
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Stress Fracture
Stress Fracture:
It is among most common Running Injuries. It happens because of a small crack in the bone causing pain and irritation. This usually damages the shin and feet of runners. It may also happen when someone starts to use a new workout without getting ready for it. Stress fracture causes pain when people do any activity. However, the pain goes down when they rest. It is essential to take proper rest as continuing the workouts with stress on the bones can cause other serious damages.
Shin Splint:
This is a type of pain which happens close to the tibia which is also known as lower leg. This injury is more common among people who try to increase the intensity of workouts quickly. This is why the slow or gradual change in a workout routine is recommended by the fitness experts. For example, you are running too long for more time. It is hard to diagnose the shin splint as it causes pain which could be present in the entire bone. Using the X-ray technique is helpful to identify the shin splint properly. People who have flat fleet have higher risk of getting shin splint. Common treatments include:
- Stretching workouts.
- Rest
- Icing
- Gradually resume workouts or previous activities but after several weeks of getting healed.
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Achilles Tendinopathy:
Previously, it was called Tendinitis. This is a type of inflammation in the Achilles tendon. This is among the largest tendons present in the body. This large tendon connects back of heel to the calf.
Patients of Achilles Tendinopathy feel severe pain and swelling. They may also face stiffness in the tendon area especially early in the morning or whenever they do any activity. Repetitive stress to a tendon is the common reason behind this injury. Also, if you are adding more distance while running then you are at risk of getting Achilles Tendinopathy. The risk would be even higher if your calf muscles are too tight. Treatments of Achilles Tendinopathy are as given below.
- Icing the injured area.
- Rest
- Calf stretching.
Muscle Pull:
A muscle pull is also called muscle strain and it happens because of the small tear in the muscle. Overstretching the muscle is another cause of muscle pull. Popping sensation occurs when muscles get tears especially if you stretch the muscles too much. R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) are some common treatments for a muscle pull. Quick treatment is necessary as muscle pull may cause damage to following muscles.
- Groin
- Calf
- Quadriceps
- Hamstrings

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Ankle Sprain:
There are ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the ankle. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments around the ankle are damaged or torn. In simple words, an ankle sprain is tearing of the ligaments. It also happens when the foot rolls or twists inwards. Using the R.I.C.E technique is effective to treat the ankle sprains. This injury gets better with the passage of time.
Read More: Ankle Injuries: Types, Causes and Treatments
Plantar Fasciitis:
This is an inflammation of Plantar Fascia. There is a tissue band in the foot bottom. This band of tissues is thick and it spreads from toes to heels. People having a high arch or calf muscle are more prone to see this injury. Plantar Fasciitis could happen if you continue to add activities. In some cases, this injury happens with no prominent or obvious reason. Treatments of Plantar Fasciitis include:
- Rest
- Icing with the coldest ice pack in the bottom of the foot.
- Calf stretching.
- Using quality shoes even if you are at home.
IT Band Syndrome (Iliotibial):
This syndrome is dangerous as it causes severe pain in front of the knee. The IT is a type of ligament which has borders with thighs, hips and outside of the knee. This ligament plays a vital role in the leg and lowers back movement. IT syndrome happens when this ligament started to expand and rub the bone of knee. This causes inflammation in knee bone. Treatments include:
- Stop all types of workouts.
- Icing the injured area after finishing workouts.
- Stretch or heat the injured area before workouts.
Basically, it is a skin related infection but it is important as it causes irritation while running. The blisters are fluid-filled sacs causing friction between the shoes and skin. You can prevent the blisters by:
- Changing the shoes after a specific but short interval.
- Using socks having double layers.
- Using petroleum jelly on the blisters.
Temperature Relevant Injuries:
- Heat Exhaustion.
- Hypothermia
- Frostbite
- Sunburn
Stay hydrated as well as use sunscreens in order to avoid these injuries. It would be better to keep dressing appropriately.
Read More: Achilles Tendon Injury Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Knee Brace SHOP NOW
Suggestions to Avoid Running Injuries:
It is easy to avoid running injuries. Take simple plans and precautions to prevent most of running injuries. Some essential preventive measures are listed below.
Listen to Yourself:
Never ignore the pain. You can see little soreness for a few days. However, if pain and soreness are continuous then you should contact doctor. Also, notice pain and irritation in the joints and muscles.
Make Running Plans:
Discuss the running plans with your fitness trainers. This should be done before you choose a running plan. Fitness trainers can support in the creation of a favorable running plan. They will see your fitness level, training intensity, abilities, and fitness goals before giving a running plan.
Stretch and Warm-Up:
Both techniques are useful to prevent running injuries. Most running injuries happen because of unnecessary stretching. Stretching the muscles is essential before or after running. Most important muscles include quadriceps, groins, hamstrings, and calf. Also, consider warming up. This can simply be achieved by walking for five minutes. Also, stretch the above-mentioned muscles. However, take special care if you have cold muscles. Don’t stretch them as it could be dangerous.
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Strength Training:
Add special ab workouts and weight training in routine. This will help to strengthen the muscles. It also supports to develop core strength.
Cross Train:
Always use an integrated workout routine. Don’t stick to running or squatting only. Try biking, hiking, swimming or tennis. All these activities make your muscles and bones able to maintain strength and range of motion. Using this routine supports the people to avoid running injuries especially if they are going to repeat the exercises again and again.
Dress Appropriately:
Always prefer breathable and lightweight clothing. This helps to wick moisture from the skin. Always dress in the layer. Try hats, towels and other clothes to avoid direct sunlight, rain or cold.
Choose Quality Shoes:
Prefer socks and shoes properly fit for your feet. The shoes should provide support to the feet. Running shoes have a limit and these are recommended for a specific mileage. Focus on the quality and condition of the shoe soles. These should not be torn or damaged. Buy a new pair of shoes otherwise. Try orthodontic shoes inserts in case of having high arches or flat feel issue.
Run Wisely:
Take care when running. Don’t run on the uneven surface. Take high care if you are hiking or climbing. Try to avoid the stressful activities until your body is ready for them.
Be Safe:
You need to be careful. Choose morning time for running when the light is everywhere. Turn GPS location identification on your cell phone so others can locate you in case of an emergency. Keep the volume low if you use headphones during a morning walk. Ask a partner to run with you so you can stay safe.
Weather Matters:
Briefly check the weather updates. Weather conditions have direct influence on physical health. Don’t go outside without any solid reason if it is too hot or too cold. Choose your clothing according to the weather conditions. Keep an extra jacket or sweater in the bag if cold is expected.

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Stay Hydrated:
You need to be careful about the water requirements of body. Staying hydrated keeps you active and strong all day. Those who travel longer for work or training should keep fresh water in a bottle. Prefer the coldest water bottle 21 oz which is an insulated stainless steel water bottle. It keeps water cold for a longer duration (up to 36 hours). Keep drinking water from the bottle to stay hydrated if it is hot outside.
Read More: Men’s Health Magazine rated Coldest Bottle 21 oz as a Top Opportunity