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Avoiding Water Borne Infections (For Individuals Having Weak Immunity)

Who Has Higher Risk Of Water-Borne Diseases?

Individuals who have a weak immune system could be at a higher risk of water-borne infections. They include the following cases.

  • People with HIV infection who have a higher count of CD4+.

  • Leukemia or lymphoma infected persons who are receiving treatments for these infections. The duration of treatment for infection also matters in this case.

  • People who have recently received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant.

  • People who have allergies or weak immunity by birth.

Individuals who have special types of disorders such as cancer should take extra care. These people usually get a weak immune system which makes troubles. Mechanism of immunity is disturbed by the weak physical system. This is why most of the physical disorders especially cancer are given high-grade attention. Take special care if you have any disorder. You can easily avoid water-borne diseases with simple steps. Contact with the physician and ask about the current immunity level. It would be better to get details of all the water-borne infections before you travel in an area out of your district.

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How Drinking Water Can Be Polluted?

Contamination is everywhere. Our current environment is full of pollutants. Check the air quality. It is full of different gases such as carbon and nitrogen. There is a heavy quantity of greenhouse gases in the air. This has made air polluted and it contaminates the water coming down with rain.

On the other hand, water in rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes contains lots of viruses, bacteria, parasites, insects as well as toxins released by factories. All these things combine to make water contaminated. Presence of these things in the water doesn’t allow the individuals living in the area to drink water from these reservoirs. Heavy treatment is essential to purify the water. Never drink from these water sources especially if you have a weak immune system.

Perfect Water Bottle

Prevention is Required:

Those who drink from the taps or supply water should also take care. All the things mentioned above can enter in the water supply systems. Water pipes are favorite places for the growth of molds, bacteria and other parasites as these pipes don’t allow sunlight to enter thus remain cool. The risk of contamination goes up if the water supply is full of these pathogens. Cleaning water supplies is not an easy task. However, certain preventive measures should be taken to ensure that water sources are free from these pathogens. Users at homes can use certain chemicals and latest gadgets to purify the water coming from supply lines.

People having a weak immune system should avoid the water in open areas. Don’t drink from the rivers, ponds or streams. If it is an emergency (in the wilderness) then boil the surface water first. This is an easy tip to kill all the pathogens. It would be better to keep a water bottle. Fill this water bottle from your home with treated water. This treated water will help to avoid the risk of water-borne infections during travel or in the wild.

Read More: Why Drinking Pure Water Is Essential to Being Healthy

What are Water Disinfection Methods?

In most cases, people with weak immunity are recommended to use bottled water. However, if you are interested to use the supply water then you must keep the above-mentioned points in mind. Further treatment of the water is easy and possible. All you need is a technique. We are going to mention different water disinfection methods for people with a weak immune system.


This is an efficient technique. Boiling water above 100 degree Celsius kills all the pathogens. Just boiling is not enough as filtering is also essential. Filter the boiled water through a muslin cloth to fill the bottle with disinfected water.

Reverse Osmosis (RO):

These are small to large plants installed in cities. The RO plants are getting popular nowadays as these can treat large quantity in less time. It has an excellent capacity to treat water having salts, toxins, and parasites. However, the RO plants use so many water gallons during treatment to produce a single gallon of water. Talk to specialists before installing an RO plant.

UV Treatment:

Ultraviolet treatment is also a modern technique. It has excellent potential to kill parasites and other microorganisms. However, it has a limited scope against some viruses and bacteria. This makes UV treatment an unattractive option for the people.


These are only efficient if supply water has received the disinfection treatment. Filters are used to remove salts and other micro-pallets. However, these are not effective against parasites such as viruses and bacteria.

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What about Bottled Water?

Drinking from bottled water is safe if it is approved by the health agencies. Most of the bottled water comes from unknown sources. We usually see fresh springs and mountains on the labels of bottled water. This is just an imagination and an idea to trap buyers. According to surveys conducted by the FDA, most of the companies use groundwater (even tap water) with little treatment. This has raised so many questions on the purity of the bottled water.

You must check the origin or source of the water before filling the water bottle. Focus on the treatment methods they use. Those who have a weak immune system should take high care in this matter. You can check the labels, websites or FDA site to find the disinfection treatments commonly used by different companies.


At the end of the discussion, we recommend the individuals with a weak immune system to buy a high-quality stainless steel bottle such as Coldest Water Bottle 21 oz or any size. This water bottle has airtight storage covered with double insulation. This helps to avoid the possible growth of mold or parasites in the water. On the other hand, it also enables the users to keep water cold for a longer period. This is another method to store purified or treated water for a longer period. This will be a great step to keep the water you trust the most in order to avoid the contamination.

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