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Buying bottled water is highly expensive.This is one of the reasons why people nowadays prefer to buy water filters to filter their own water and carry it in their water bottles. The question that comes up is the type of water bottle you should buy. Water bottles are of different sizes, shapes and are made from different materials. Some are made of plastic, others are made of glass, and others are made of stainless steel and even aluminum. Debates about which water bottles are better than the rest have been witnessed in most places. Advantages and disadvantages of all the bottle types have been discussed and it has been proven without doubt that stainless steel bottles are the best and safest to use. With the increasing knowledge about the effects of plastic bottles on the environment and the health risks associated with these water bottles, many people are now embracing the idea of using stainless steel water bottles. Stainless steel water bottles may be more expensive than the ordinary plastic and glass bottles, but their many advantages make them more preferred by many.Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle? The following are some answers to this question.

Friendly to the environment

Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle and not plastic or glass? Conserving the environment should be everyone’s priority. Environmental pollution can have adverse effects on human beings and any other creatures within their surroundings. So why choose stainless steel for your water bottle? One of the reasons why you chose stainless steel for your water bottle lies in the fact that stainless steel bottles are friendly to the environment. The stainless steel bottles are made from natural materials or elements and are therefore easily recycled. Stainless steel water bottles can be re-melted to make other stainless steel products. The tops and caps are also recyclable. Although plastics are also recyclable, their creation and recycling is not friendly to the environment. Burning of plastic water bottles has been known to release harmful fumes to the environment, fumes that can be harmful even to the human beings. Throwaway water bottles have also proven to be a huge challenge on conservation efforts as heaps and heaps of these bottles can be seen everywhere. This has really polluted the environment and many vast lands have been turned into disgusting dumping sites. Glass water bottles can also break the pieces can be dangerous especially if they are stepped on by unsuspecting people. They can easily cause serious injuries. It is for all these reasons that stainless water bottles are the most ecofriendly water bottles.


Many people ask this question repeatedly. Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle?Another reason is that stainless steel bottles do not crush or break easily.You obviously wouldn’t want a water bottle that will need replacements or repairs from time to time. These replacements will be very expensive and quite inconveniencing. With other water bottles, you will have to handle them with so much care and this can really limit your freedom and fun but with stainless steel water bottles, you can place it anywhere without fear of it breaking. You can even run your truck over your stainless steel water bottle and it will survive. Plastic water bottles are meant to be used once and are very fragile. They easily melt and lose shape especially if you use them with hot drinks. Stainless steel water bottles have the ability to withstand falls, knocks and high temperatures. They do not easily scratch or break. Stainless steel water bottles can be used in even the harshest climatic conditions. That is the reason why they are preferred by both adventurers and athletes. The only reason that will make you replace your stainless steel bottle is if you want to change into something new but not a breakage or a scratch. Critics have argued that stainless steel water bottles are expensive but they have ignored the fact that stainless steel water bottles give a lifetime warranty in that it can be used from infancy all the way to adulthood and passed on to other people while still in good shape.

No health risk.

You may be wondering what other answer exists for this question: Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle? Another main reason for this is that stainless steel water bottles are safe to use. Plastic water bottles emit harmful chemicals, which are a health risk and can cause cancer. With plastic water bottles, harmful carcinogens can easily leach into your water, which can result into the feared and deadly cancer disease Stainless steel water bottles are also known to be BPA free. Stainless steel water bottles do not have any harmful chemicals and are totally safe to use.

Ability to maintain the temperature of your water

Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle? Do you still need another reason for that? Here it is. The prevailing weather dictates the temperatures of the water you want to drink but this has become a challenge since many glass and plastic water bottles are known to gradually cool water that was previously hot in cold conditions. It also happens that sometimes you carry cold water in those plastic and glass water bottles but once you place it in a warm environment, it starts warming up. Stainless steel water bottles have fortunately come to rectify this situation in that they are able to insulate its contents for hours. With its insulating properties, you are able to enjoy drinking cold water for a whole day after filling your water bottle from your water cooler. You will also be able to drink hot water for about six hours if you fill your water bottle from your water heater. You therefore have the freedom of choosing whether you want to drink hot or cool water.

Safe to wash in the dishwasher

Washing utensils in a dishwasher ensures they are clean with little human effort needed. It is very easy and safe to wash stainless steel water bottles in the dishwasher. The bottles are safe for use even if their color may fade out with continued washing. Regularly washing the stainless steel water bottles in the dishwasher maintains its hygiene and is safe unlike plastic bottles that can lose their shapes and can also melt. That is the fifth answer to the question; why choose stainless steel for your water bottle?

Rust free

One guarantee you will have with a stainless steel bottle is that it will not rust because it has been proven without doubt that stainless steel do not rust. This is one reason why it is durable and safe to use. Stainless steel material is inert and do not require any lining or inner coating of lacquer. This means that your stainless steel water bottle will always look and feel new.

Stain and odor resistant

Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle?Another reason is that stainless steel do not retain odor and you can therefore use it for different drinks at different instances without the fear that the smell of one drink will be transferred to the next drink. Simple rinsing will do the trick of eliminating any odor from your water bottle. It is also easy to wash and it hardly gets stained. You will therefore have a fresh experience each time you use your water bottle.

Ability to heal itself after a scratch

Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle when cheaper water bottles are available? Stainless steels are able to heal itself after having a scratch. How better can this get? Passivation enables chromium exceptional in that a surface rebuilds itself when scratched so long as there is oxygen. This makes stainless steel water bottles corrosion resistant and makes it longer lasting as compared to other water bottles. This property also prevents stainless steel water bottles from leaching chemicals and they therefore do not require any lining.

Pleasant and trendy

Do you want to stand out and have a water bottle that matches your nice and trendy dressing? That is another reason why you should choose stainless steel for your water bottle. Stainless steel water bottles are beautiful and prestigious. You will feel good being seen carrying a stainless steel water bottle as compared to plastic or glass water bottles. People believe that stainless steel water bottles are for the rich and educated and therefore having one for yourself will give you a sense of class and luxury. Stainless steel water bottles also offer a variety where you can choose what you want. Stainless steel water bottles are available in different colors and have different images on them and you therefore have the freedom of choosing what suits you best. Having a variety to choose from also makes them unique and different. With your unique stainless steel water bottle, you will not be carrying a water bottle that resembles that of everyone else in the office or at school. Yours will always stand out.

Easy to personalize

Why choose stainless steel water for your water bottle? Who wouldn’t want to own a water that can be decorated as desired and that can even have your own photograph on it? It is very easy to have a photograph of yourself or any other image of choice engraved on your stainless steel water bottle or even personalized messages. These images and photographs can last for a lifetime on your water bottle if they are done in the right way.You can therefore buy stainless steel water bottles, select a photo or message that should be written on them. Additionally, you can even decide to give them out to friends or relatives for specific occasions or for various reasons with specific messages on them. You can also buy them on special occasions and have dates engraved on them to enable them act as reminders of important events in life.

Lightweight and easy to carry around

Stainless steel water bottles are very light and are therefore easy to carry even for long distances. Even when they are filled with water, they are light and less bulky. You can therefore carry your water bottle when running, swimming or any activity without the fear that it will tire you in any way. Their slim shapes and portability also make them fit in even small bags.


Why choose stainless steel for your water bottle? Will you be comfortable when the content of your water bottle is seen by everyone? It is impossible to see through a stainless steel water bottle. People will therefore be unaware of whatever beverage you are drinking, whether you are taking juice, wine or even plain water. How much you have carried will also be unknown to other people. How much you have drunk will also be your own personal little secret. You are therefore guaranteed to have privacy each time you are using your stainless steel water bottle.

Cost saving

Why choose stainless steel water bottle for your water bottle? The answer is simple; to save some money in the long run. Each coin saved is always worthwhile. The shelf price of stainless steel water bottles may be slightly higher than that of plastic and glass water bottles but if you calculate how many replacements you will have done with the other water bottles for the duration you will be using your stainless steel water bottle, you will save so much when using the stainless steel water bottle. For example in a duration of five years, you will need at least four plastic water bottles but if you are using stainless steel water bottle, you will still be using the same one. The cost of the four or more plastic water bottles cannot be compared to the single stainless steel water bottle. As they say, cheap can sometimes be expensive. You should consider the cumulative cost rather than the shelf price. This is therefore another reason why you choose stainless steel for your water bottle.