Hip pain is a frequent ailment that can be brought on by many different issues. Your hip pain's exact location may hold important information about its underlying cause. Pain on the inside of your hip or in your groin is frequently a sign of issues with the hip joint itself. Problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that surround the hip joint are frequently the root cause of hip discomfort that radiates to the outside of your hip, upper thigh, or outer buttock. Sometimes, illnesses and disorders in other parts of your body, such as your lower back, can lead to hip discomfort. Referred pain is the name for this kind of discomfort. Because of that, let us know what the common causes of hip pains are:

· Core muscle damage (a.k.a. sports hernia or athletic pubalgia) – If you have discomfort in your lower abdomen, it may be caused by a core muscle injury, such as a lower abdominal muscle strain or tear. Weekend warriors who participate in sports that require a lot of severe twisting and turning but who aren't in optimal athletic shape frequently sustain this ailment.

· Bursitis – You may likely blame bursitis, an inflammation of the pillow-like fluid sacs that prevent tendons and muscles from rubbing directly against bone, if you experience pain on the outside of your hip, thigh, and/or buttocks. Bursitis is typically not accompanied by activity-related discomfort, however prolonged walking or ascending stairs might exacerbate it. Simply said, it aches every day. It can hurt even while you sleep on that

side. As we become older, bursitis gets more frequent and is more common in those over 60.

· Tendonitis – If you suffer pain when touching or moving your groin or hip flexors—the group of muscles that allow you to raise your knee and leg toward your body—and you exercise regularly, you may have tendonitis. Repeated small injuries brought on by overusing or straining tendons, the cords that connect the muscle to the bone, eventually result in muscular imbalances in the hip. People who repeatedly engage in particularly certain activities, such as kicking a soccer ball, may be at risk for developing this extreme discomfort.

· Labral Tears – The labrum is the cartilage ring that encircles the hip socket and holds the thighbone's ball in place. It frequently tears in sportsmen and dancers, which results in hip or groin pain, mobility restriction, and the sensation that the hip is locking, catching or clicking.

· Pelvic floor or gynecological concerns – Another area of your pelvis may be the source of the hip pain you're experiencing. Instead of a hip issue, endometriosis or fibroids may be to blame if the pain is localized to the groin and occurs during ovulation or your period. Hip injuries are frequently confused for urological and gastrointestinal conditions like gastroenteritis and prostate cancer. 

· Osteoarthritis – A dull hip discomfort that persists every day often has this reason. Due to inflammation and cartilage degradation brought on by osteoarthritis, your joints become stiff and swollen, resulting in discomfort and deformity. Running marathons or engaging in high-impact sports like basketball might raise your risk of developing osteoarthritis. When combined with aging, fat, or acute injury, pain can become incapacitating.

In this current state, we are fully aware of the common causes of hip pains, we should also have simple remedies inside our homes. One of the remedies we could do is icing, we could also use the Air Compression Hip Ice Pack of Coldest Water to have a great experience while reducing the pain.


November 11, 2022 — Zanjo Coldest