Cool Pillows and Good Sleep
Mostly sleeps well on the Coldest Pillow (Queen, King, Wedge).
Order the Cool Pillow here.
Honestly, How Do You Sleep At Night Really?
I mean purely technical. We are all different and have our habits and lifestyle to achieve wonderful things of life!
A Good Night’s Sleep
Some sleep with clothes, others without. Some like thick duvets, other thin ones. For me, pillows are essential. Queen pillows and King pillows. I want a small arsenal of them.

Cool Mattress and Cool Pillow SHOP NOW
I Want Pillows on My Sitting And Sleeping:
When you think about it, the sleep process begins in a sitting position. Too many of us have this. For me, it’s so, anyway. I want soft fibers from fabrics such as wool or cotton which accumulate in small light clumps to my own sitting and sleeping position. During sitting, I need cool pillows, to begin with. It’s not just for aesthetic reasons I like the real king sizes on the pillows. It is also for ergonomic reasons. When you build your bedside place, start with a big pillow below. It gives it a little extra support in the lurch. And then a queen pillow on it. Then you clench your back in the heels and get a perfect, enclosing and supportive sitting position.
It’s not just me who think the pillow is so important. It has actually been researched on the importance of the pillow for sleeping.
My sleeping cycle goes into three stages, one can say. The first phase is the sitting phase or the reading phase. There is nothing as sleepy as a half-edited book. It works with movies on as well. But nothing is exciting. Would you like something documentary of the character “one should be interested in”, but it’s not true? It will be like when you went to school. One tries to keep an eye on the matter. But soon it begins to pull the eyelid muscles.

Cool Mattress and Cool Pillow for Better Sleep SHOP NOW
To Meet Sleep:
Then, it is known that the clock is successful for phase two: the incoming phase. I push the top pillow aside and lay down the head on the king cool pillow. I like to lie on my back and meet my sleep. And in that situation, the cool pillow that gives support to both the neck and shoulder part is the best for me. There I lay with my hands clasped on my stomach and let my sleep come. It’s actually almost the best moment of the day.
The Cool Pillow:
These cool pillows are produced in Naples, Florida factory in the USA. The Coldest Pillow is filled with Coldest Fusion Weave™ with our Coldest Gel Fluffs. Unlike gel pillows which their coldness degrades over time, this pillow does not.
The third phase happens unconsciously. It is the real sleep phase. You turn to sleep. And I have understood that I instinctively change the pillow in that phase. When I turn to the side it’s the queen pillow that works best. Provides support for the head.
Yes, that’s how it is. Perhaps you may think. But it’s an art to sleep well.

The Cool Mattress and Cool Pillow for Complete Rest SHOP NOW
Since I am allied with Coldest Water of Naples, Florida, USA, I have pillows from there and I sleep on perfectly. We manufacture Mattresses, pillows, duvets and Coldest Sheets coming soon and many other products ourselves at our factory in Naples, in Florida, USA. It’s difficult production, one can say and we are proud as the manufacturer of pillows and Mattresses. In addition, we have own production of bed covers. It is coming soon at its best, and it’s the coolest conditions right through the entire production chain.
If you are having the cool pillow in the back naturally contribute to the good sleep.
After all, a good conscience is the very best cool pillow.