COLDEST Minimum Advertised Price Policy (MAP) 

Advertising that gives the impression and appearance that the COLDEST product is always or excessively promoted at a discount runs counter to our branding philosophy. To support our brand and products as premium offerings, we are adopting a formal minimum advertised price policy ("MAP Policy"). The Minimum Advertised Price Policy applies to all COLDEST resellers in the United States. 

This MAP policy applies to all advertisements of COLDEST products in all types of media: radio,  television, print, and internet. 

Prohibited activities under this MAP Policy include, but are not limited to, the use of broadcast emails or  the placement of advertisements on any internet website (including home pages, destination pages and  third-party sites, such as portal websites and shopping websites) or in any other media, such as  newspapers, radio, television, mailers, or other print media, to advertise prices for COLDEST products  less than MAP, except for promotions and other allowances as set forth below. 

MAP applies only to minimum advertised prices and does not apply to the price at which the products  are actually sold. 

COLDEST believes in maintaining a well-regulated and fair marketplace for all its authorized resellers. 


This policy has been UNILATERALLY adopted by COLDEST and will be uniformly and consistently  enforced. 


Resellers of COLDEST products are free to decide whether to follow this policy. Each reseller retains the discretion to establish its own resale price.  

COLDEST may, without assuming any liability, immediately cease shipments to reseller, discontinue its  business relationship and revoke all purchasing privileges of reseller. 

Violations of MAP Policy shall be determined by COLDEST in its sole discretion. 

This MAP Policy does not constitute an agreement between any reseller and COLDEST, and COLDEST is  not seeking any response from any reseller, aside from their initials below to confirm receipt. COLDEST  will neither solicit nor accept any assurance of compliance with this MAP Policy. 

If a dealer with multiple store locations violates this MAP Policy at any one store location, or on any  associated website, then COLDEST will consider this to be a violation by the dealer for all locations.


COLDEST will not discuss any conditions of acceptance related to this MAP Policy, as it is non-negotiable  and will not be altered for any reseller. 

COLDEST reserves the right at any time to modify, suspend, or discontinue the MAP Policy in whole or in  part or designate periods of time during which the policy is not applicable. 


COLDEST sales personnel have no authority to modify or grant exceptions to this MAP Policy or have any communications with any reseller regarding violations of this MAP Policy. 

Any communications should be submitted in writing to the VP of Sales via email. 


2023 Distribution Policy 

This Distribution Policy applies to all COLDEST resellers in the United States. 

Dealer purchases made at wholesale pricing and exempt of taxes are for the express purpose of resale to final end-users; any other activity post-wholesale-purchase is prohibited.  Violations are subject to immediate loss of wholesale account privileges.

Dealers are not authorized to distribute, ship, forward, or otherwise: 

  1. a) Resell using any 3rd party sellers (i.e. eBay, Amazon, Walmart), individuals, packaging forwarding  services, or businesses/entities acting as distributors 
  2. b) Resell using any URL or other website address that has not been approved by COLDEST c) Resell under operating names other than those provided to COLDEST 
  3. d) Warehouse any COLDEST inventory at 3rd Party locations that have not been approved by COLDEST 

* E Commerce Distribution: Resellers are authorized to offer COLDEST products on their owned website(s) only, and they must not bid on any COLDEST brand terms for SEO. 

If caught violating any of the above-mentioned guidelines, the reseller would need to remove or update  any non-compliant digital content within 24 hours of being alerted. If the reseller fails to do so within  24hours, they will immediately be deactivated, all pending orders canceled, and may lose their right to  remain a COLDEST Retailer.

COLDEST reserves the right to modify or discontinue this Distribution Policy at any time.