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This is a pretty nice bottle cleaning brush set, but nothing mind blowing or revolutionary. It seems to do the job pretty well, but my only complaint is that some of the bristles on the large brush are not in the place they should be. In other words, the bristles are bent in many weird directions and not with the rest of the bristles. I guess this isn’t a huge deal, but it makes it look like its been used. This hasn’t altered the effectiveness at all, but it does make one think that they are not of the best quality. I give it 4 stars overall

This review is my opinion of the product from my experience with it and may differ from the experiences and opinions of others. I tend to only review products that I have an interest in and in no way have I been instructed on how to write my review, nor was I compensated in any form. If my review was at all helpful for you then please click the yes button. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Review By Rob (robsgoods) On September 1, 2016

September 25, 2016 — Shopify API