To stay mentally and physically healthy, we take care of our health by exercising and getting enough nutrition. One of the most essential parts of being healthy is to have a good quality of sleep. Most of us are deprived of this vital aspect of having a healthy life. Not getting enough sleep may have a negative effect on your daily productivity, energy, emotional balance, and weight.

Here are some tips to improve your sleep:

Sleep-Wake Cycle - Consistent sleep and waking times can improve long-term sleep quality. Make an effort to wake up and go to bed at similar times. Choose a bed time when you usually get tired and wake up at the same time even on weekends. Sleeping in on weekend makes it more harder to wake up on Monday morning.

Be smart on napping – Napping for 30 minutes or less is a good way to make up on the lost sleep. It can make us feel refresh and enhance our day time productivity. However, longer naps can lead to sleep deprivation or disrupted sleep at night.

Reduce on smart phone usage and tablets - Blue light produced from smart phones, tv or computers deceives your body into believing it is daytime. The light from your screen hampers the brain production of melatonin. Melatonin helps regulates our sleep-wake cycle and makes us sleepy in low-light environments. So, be smart and put those smartphones away at least 30 minutes before bed time.

Avoid caffeine consumption during late afternoon - Consuming caffeine and sugar helps us to stay awake during the day and ready to complete our daily tasks; however, caffeine consumption up to 6 hours before bedtime significantly disrupt your sleep schedule.
Opt for decaffeinated coffee, If you feel the need for a cup of coffee in the late afternoon or evening.

Late evening snack - A large meal before bedtime can cause insomnia and hormonal disruption. It may affect the quality of your sleep, however, there are studies that certain snacks like low-carb diet can help improve your sleep.

Relaxing bath or shower – A warm body shower or bath or simply warm foot bath can help improve the quality of your sleep.

Relax in the evening – Try different methods to help you relax before bedtime, like reading a book, taking a bath, listening to music, meditating or anything that works for you. Relaxing your mind helps improve the quality of sleep.

Avoid large amount of liquids – Hydration is very important to our health, however, avoid drinking liquids 1-2 hours before going to bed. Drinking large amount of liquids during the can cause excessive urination. This disrupts the quality of your sleep.

Get a comfy bed, mattress and pillow - Your bed, mattress, and pillow can all have a significant impact on your sleep quality and joint or back pain.

Invest on your pillow that you can adjust the firmness and thickness as per your reference to avoid back pain. Don’t forget the bedsheets that help you sleep comfortably at night. Visit the

It’s not too late to adopt that good sleep habits and get you ready everyday.

November 12, 2022 — Sophie Cold