Are you up for the challenge?

Will you throw away your reusable bottle if you see us in your neighborhood in order to have the Coldest Water Bottle? For free?!!

Watch as Cass waits for someone to take on the challenge:

CASS: “Do you guys want to throw away your bottle for a new bottle?”

“This is the Coldest Water; it is a company in Fort Myers”

“I’m just a content creator, but they are really cool water bottles and they stay cold up to 36+ hours, so yeah, you can swap in your reusable water bottle for a brand new Coldest Bottle”

GIRLS: “For free?”

CASS: For FREE! As long as you swap in one of yours”

GIRL 1: “Oh! Immediately YES! Thank you!”

CASS: “Yeah! Pick whichever one you like!”

GIRL 1: “Thank you so much!”

CASS: “Have you heard of the Coldest Water?


CASS: “Really? From where?”

GIRL 1: “There’s one in our mall”

CASS: “Oh, Coastland Mall”

“Well, now you can buy more is you want to.”

GIRL 1: “Yeah! What’s your name?”


GIRL 1: “Hi Cass! I am Abby!”

CASS: “Show the camera your new bottle, feel free to do so.”

GIRL 1: “Look at this! This is AMAZING!”

CASS: “Which one did you get?

GIRL 2: “Oh! Stardust Glitter!”

CASS: “Oh, that one’s PRETTY! It’s HOLOGRAPHIC, It’s so pretty!”

GIRLS: “Thank you so much!”

CASS: “Yeah, of course!

GIRL 1: “Cass was it?”

CASS: “Yeah, Cass. Abby?”

GIRL 1: “Yeah, Abby! Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day!”

CASS: “Thank you! You too, enjoy your bottles!”

Water is essential, and having the right container can make your life easier. With the growing popularity of reusable water bottles, now is your chance to drink cool water while helping the environment! The best insulated water bottle has numerous advantages. With these bottles, you’ll find yourself drinking more water. And it will undoubtedly last for years!

The Coldest Water Bottle – Perfect size, lightweight, yet the most durable water bottle build.


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