Why Am I So Sweaty At Night?

Night Sweats in Both, Men And Women

Night sweating basically occurs during the night while sleeping and causes to sweat excessively. Most of the time but not necessarily, women experience hot flashes during the menopause transition. This can cause excessive night sweating. Other health issues and sometimes, the medication, can also cause night sweating. Night sweating need not refer to the causative effects of the sleeping location, such as an over-heated room.

There are various causes and depending on these causes symptoms associated with night sweats. Fever, Chills, and flushing are some of the symptoms and you can consult a doctor if you are worried about these night sweats. Any further treatment of these night sweats will depend on the hidden causes of the night sweats.

What Are Night Sweats?

Any profuse sweating that occurs in the night is known as Night Sweats. If for instance, you are using lots of bedclothes or if the room is uncommonly hot then you will start sweating when you are sleeping, which is normal. To identify night sweats arising because of some underlying medical conditions and night sweats occurring due to the surroundings being very warm doctors describe night sweats that occur in the night as hot flashes which can wet completely clothing and sheets. It is no way related to any environment being very hot. At times it is very difficult to differentiate between flushing (the face being warm and appearing full of redness) and real night sweating.


What Causes Night Sweats In Men And Women?

Night sweating occurs either because of some disease or illness or because of other situations which are not serious. If the room that you are using to sleep is unbearably hot or the surroundings are very warm and wearing too many clothes all contribute to excessive sweating.

There are many causes as to why night sweats occur. These conditions that are known to cause night sweats are:

Neurologic Conditions:

Post-traumatic Syringomyelia, autonomic dysreflexia, stroke, autonomic neuropathy are some of the neurologic conditions that cause excessive sweating which leads to night sweats.


The most serious infection that is attributed to night sweats is tuberculosis. Some infections which are bacterial in nature such as endocarditis which is heart valves being inflamed and osteomyelitis which is inflammation inside the bones and abscesses are also a contributing factor to night sweats. Symptoms of HIV/AIDS are night sweats.

Hormone Disorders:

With hormonal disorders such as carcinoid syndrome, hyperthyroidism, and pheochromocytoma we can see either flushing or sweating.

Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis:

A condition where the body produces excessive sweat without any underlying medical conditions is known as idiopathic hyperhidrosis.


Low blood sugar at times can cause the body to sweat. Patients taking medication such as insulin or oral anti-diabetic medicine can experience hypoglycemia in the night and sweating also occurs as a result.


In some type of cancers, an early symptom that can be seen is night sweating. In lymphoma which is a type of cancer night, sweats are definitely occurring. Leukaemia also causes night sweating. Persons who are having cancer but not diagnosed yet, very often other symptoms like weight loss which can’t be explained and fever.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Night Sweats In Men And Women?

Profusely sweating during the night results wet completely.

At times flushing of the face and becoming red and warm also can occur and could be difficult to differentiate between night sweats. Various other symptoms can also occur along with sweating in some cases of diseases. For instance with few types of cancers and infections fever and chills also appear with night sweats.

When Should You Be Concerned About Night Sweats?

You should consult your doctor if the night sweats that you are having are frequently occurring and not going away or if you are experiencing any serious symptoms that are a cause for worry or any fevers with night sweats.

Which Type Of Specialist Treats Night Sweats?

Various doctors can be consulted if you are suffering from night sweats. They can be either internal medicine doctors or paediatricians, gynaecologists or your family GP. Specialist doctors will give you treatment for night sweats are symptoms of some disease. If patients suffering from cancer are having night sweats then surgical oncologist will take care. Any causes of night sweats that are rare can be treated by surgeons, endocrinologists or neurologists.

How Is The Cause of Night Sweats Diagnosed?

The doctor will go through the medical history of the patient to find out the cause of night sweats during the night and will also order tests to find out any hidden conditions which may be causing night sweats. Along with with the patient’s medical history, other tests that are X-ray tests, CT scans or blood tests and any other tests which are of special in nature.

Read More: Want to Avoid Night Sweats for Better Sleep


What Medications Cause Night Sweats?

There is a certain type of medications that can cause night sweating and the most common type of medications are antidepressants and any type of antidepressants will have side effects which are night sweating.

The other medications that can cause night sweats are psychiatric drugs.

Aspirin and acetaminophen are other medicines which people use to lower fever can cause sometimes sweating.

There are other medications that cause flushing which can be at times confused with night sweats.

Those medications are Tamoxifen, niacin which is taken in higher dosage for disorders of lipid and hydralazine, sildenafil and nitroglycerine. Cortisones such as prednisone and prednisolone can also attribute to flushing or night sweats.

How Common Are Night Sweats During Perimenopause?

Menopausal changes can occur during the night and hot flashes are accompanied and this causes sweating. In perimenopausal women this the common cause of the night sweats.

What Medications Treat Night Sweats?

Night Sweats might require treatment from a doctor if they are the symptoms of a hidden health condition. The treatment is for the causes of the night sweats and not night sweats itself. For example, in case of infections and cancers or hormonal imbalances which are the causes of night sweating treatment here is directed towards the hidden medical conditions.

In perimenopause, if the symptoms are night sweats, they are treated with hormone therapy. To treat symptoms of perimenopause estrogen therapy and combined estrogen and progestin therapy have been used successfully in cases of severity.

If the night sweats are a side effect of some medications then you stop the medications until the condition improves. Your doctor might prescribe a different therapy if you are suffering from any side effects upon taking medicines.

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Can Night Sweats Be Cured?

The betterment of the person will differ as per the hidden status of the health and the causative factor of the night sweats. In case of the night sweats that arise because of menopausal changes, they will improve after some time after menopause. You can change the Bedding and use the Coldest Mattress and Coldest Pillows.

Can You Prevent Night Sweats?

In some cases of underlying conditions which are very serious or in cases of fevers, cancers or few types of infections night sweats cannot be prevented. In other condition, you can control the sweating at night by using quality mattress and pillows.

5 Ways to Deal with Menopause Symptoms:

For the majority of women if they have symptoms far too many at any one time the menopause can be a major issue.

1) Maintain a diary and login how many hot flashes you experience and you can track them as well and note down if any emotional or environmental factors are contributing to it. For instance, if you have eaten any food or had anything to drink if you had a day that was very stress filled, so you can maintain a list of factors.

2) Keep the stainless steel water bottle and keep drinking at regular intervals.

3) If your sexual experiences are painful then have a word with your doctor.

4) Spend more quality time for sex.

5) Perform yoga or meditate or you can do even tai-chi.

6) Alternative treatments or therapy for mood changes.